Friday, November 11, 2016

How NYC Property Management Companies should handle Painting Requests

There are plenty of considerations that a New York City property management company need take into account when a tenant moves out an apartment and it needs to be re-letted.  The first thing that the property manager should do is walk through the apartment and see what repairs need to be done.  Also it is important to speak with the owner/investor to see what type of strategic improvements they would like to perform on the unit.  Strategic improvements are plenty but examples can include things such as replacing a kitchen range, installing a state of the art washer and dryer or changing windows.  Strategic improvements are important because they not only increase the value of the overall property but they will attract more renters to look at the unit.  One of the most common items that have to be performed before a new tenant can move in, is repainting the walls.
Most property managers decided to paint the walls even if there isn’t an immediate need.  The reason being that prospective renters like to see clean apartments and nothing makes an apartment look cleaner than a white fresh paint of coat.  There are plenty of renters that do not apply for an apartment because they believe the apartment to be dirty and that can be overcome by the building management company deciding on using high quality paint.  Another advantage of painting the apartment is that it will smell fresh as well.  First impressions are the most important and tenants are more inclined to rent if they believe that an apartment smells and feels fresh.
Once a lease is signed and the tenants have moved in, there are times that tenants will decide that they would like to paint the walls a different color than how they received it.  The primary reason they would like to paint it is they would their rental to feel more like a “home” for them.   Building management companies in New York City should always put in their leases that the tenants need to have consent before painting their apartments.
Most property management companies do not allow their tenants to paint their walls.  The reason the majority of building management firms don’t allow renters to paint is because renters choose complex colors that are hard to paint over. This will become costly for the owner/investor when it is time to prepare the premises for the next cycle of renter.  Painting the walls a dark color may require a primer as well as two coats of paints.  This can become costly and time-consuming for the property manager.  If you are in a bind and need to rent the place and the prospective tenant mandates they paint the walls a certain color try to limit their colors to light tones as they will be easier to paint over once they leave.
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