Friday, February 16, 2018

NYC Commercial Property Recycling Fines Has Begun Effective August 1

The City has finally begun enforcing their new commercial recycling rules which has taken effective since August 1, 2017.  The rules which have been taken hold after a year long implementation period requires all types of buildings to segregate recyclable paper refuse from metal, glass and plastic containers as well as from disposable materials such as plastic bags and Styrofoam. If at least 10% of a building's trash consists of textiles and food waste, the owner also will be responsible for filtering out that material and arranging for its proper removal.  Businesses can decide whether they want to collect all recyclables together or they can separate as long as recyclable materials are kept separate from trash at all times. The fines for non-compliance will begin at $100 and will increase to $400 for the third violation.

“The city’s goal is to make recycling consistent at home, at work and at play,” says Bridget Anderson, Deputy Commissioner, Recycling and Sustainability, NYC Department of Sanitation (DSNY). “Commercial recycling rules used to be different from the residential rules. Now they are consistent.”

Commercial landlords and property management companies will bear the responsibility of designating containers for each of the different varieties of refuse and inform tenants, building staff and their private carting service on how to use them. According to Crain's New York Business  the
Department of Sanitation estimates that out of the 9,000 tons of waste generated daily by businesses, up to 54 percent can be recycled. An additional organics component could increase that number up to an incredible 89 percent they calculate.  The City also believes that these new rules will facilitate in meeting their goals in zero waste in landfills by 2030.
The City is attempted for businesses to get up to speed with the new rules.  NYC property managers and landlords can visit and to sign up for a free training, host a training, or download signs and education materials. To contact DSNY or request a business recycling training, email

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